Explore And Find The Best Toy

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Swappy is a brilliantly simple app that helps you swap toys and other children's items with other
parents, saving money on new toys, decluttering unused ones, and contributing to reducing
plastic waste.

Most children get bored with new toys in a matter of weeks or days. Having too many toys
results in a lot of clutter around the household which in turn causes confusion and disorder to
parents and children alike.

Instead of getting rid of toys in the trash after only a few months of use, teach your children how
to be responsible for their toys and value their belongings to exchange them later for other toys.

Our Vision: To become the leading mobile app for swapping toys and other items in the Middle


Our Mission:

  • Teach kids about the value of their belongings, how to be responsible, and to share with others.
  • Reduce plastic waste and contribute to a cleaner environment.
  • Declutter parents' homes of toys and give pre-loved and unused toys a new home.
  • Help parents save money and acquire a variety of new toys in exchange for points.